
Strange Days

Good morning
Don't cop out
You crawled from the cancer to land on your feet
Are you crazy...
To want this...
Even for a while?

The first verse of "Strange Days" by Matthew Good Band seems to be especially poignant of late. I think I'm finally feeling the initial burnout period after studying for far too long. Some stat (though one that was most probably biased) said that 73% of pharmacists aren't happy with job/career. How hilarious would it be if, after a near decade in studying, that I fall under the percentage. I might seem like a pessimistic guy but I really do try to stick things out even when things seem bad at first. Of course, now that I've tried that strategy a few times, hindsight does seem to indicate that for majority of the time a passive waiting approach really does jack-shit for me. Blah blah blah, please spare me the bullshit platitudes about taking initiative, if you think this type of "general advice" is anything remotely novel to me, I'd humbly submit that you should gracefully go fuck yourself.

Well anyway, it's a great song, one that I've been listening to for well over a decade, and I can actually sing it relatively well (imo). I'm still surprisingly motivated enough to wake up at 7 to catch a ride with my aunt to the subway (no pleb bus for me in the morning woo). I just hope desperately that I can last through the next two months.

I wish I wasn't here.

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